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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Be Sure to Visit Us on FaceBook

In case you didn't know it already, Tough Spar MMA is on Facebook!  From our page you can easily share content, comment and Like our content.  Almost as soon as an article is published from the blog, we go ahead and share it to our Facebook page.  Be sure to invite your friends to like the page so that the community grows.  You can also inbox the team and get a response back within the same day.  Our Facebook connects you with everything that we do with our blog and all of our content.

Be sure to like us on Facebook at: facebook.com/toughsparmma and also download our app for Android devices at: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wToughSparMMA&hl=en

Be sure to bookmark our page and on Blogger and visit daily for the latest in MMA news.

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