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Friday, January 10, 2014

Kampmann Taking a Break From the Sport

It has been almost a month now since UFC Welterweight Champion Georges St-Pierre announced that he would be vacating the UFC title and taking a hiatus from the sport.  Another competitor is feeling just like Georges St-Pierre minus the championship woes.  Top 10 Welterweight Martin Kampmann says he is feeling burned out from the sport and is in no rush to return to the sport after two consecutive TKO/KO losses in a row to the top 2 men in the sport, #2 Condit and #1 Hendricks.  He says that he still loves to compete and train, but doesn't want to jump back into the sport without having his fire and drive back for the sport.

Since joining the UFC Martin Kampmann has had to face the elite of the elite with no easy fights in between.  If one were to go through Kampmann's fight history he has fought the best of the best and it is understandable that he would need his body to recover from all of the hard work that he has put into the sport that he loves.  We look forward to seeing Kampmann in action again, but only when he's ready

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