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Monday, September 2, 2013

Anthony Pettis Still Wants Aldo

New UFC Lightweight champion, and recent Pound-for-pound entry, Anthony Pettis announced after his fight that he is still interested in fighting UFC Featherweight Champion Jose Aldo. It makes one wonder if we still want to see that fight now that he has earned a UFC title on his own weight class. The fight would still be a good fight but I think that now is not the time.

With TJ Grant still waiting in the wings, I think that it is safe to say that Pettis needs tp face TJ Grant next and pursue more fights in his primary weight class first before pursuing any endeavors eleswhere.  I dont beleive that fight between he and Aldo would make any sense.  When he was title-less challenger moving down to featherwieght it made sense even though he was jumping the line. Now that he has the belt he must cement his status as the UFC Lightweight Champion before the fight becomes a super fight or even makes sense.

After winning the WEC title and then losing his UFC debut in the following match, his title reign only counts if he can follow up with a successful title defense. Without that title defense, his UFC belt will mean as much as his WEC title--nothing. Both Aldo and Pettis have title defenses that need to be made. Aldo vs Lamas or Swanson and Pettis vs Grant. If Aldo were to finally move up to 155 lbs that fight for Pettis' title would be priceless after a few title defenses out of Pettis.

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