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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Pettis Gets Grant, Not Aldo

After UFC Champions Jose Aldo and Anthony Pettis have both expressed extreme interest in facing each other, Dana White and the UFC have other plans for Pettis. It has been announced that Anthony Pettis will be facing the man who was originally scheduled to fight this past weekend at UFC 164,  TJ Grant. Athony Pettis has suffered a sprain knee from his bout with Benson Henderson this past weekend.  Upon his return he will have have a hungry Grant waiting to snatch the title from Pettis. I think that this decision makes since and that Grant had definitely earned his title fight.

TJ Grant has won five straight victories since he has joined the UFC Lightweight Division including a win over former title challenge Gray "the Bully" Maynard at UFC 160. There is no one else in the division who can cjallenge Grants position at the top of the 155lb weight class.

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